
Apples and apple cider vinegar on a wooden deck

4 Things to Know About ACV and Your Health

Wondering why we chose apple cider vinegar (ACV) as the main ingredient in POSCA? You’ll find articles on ACV and your health everywhere from beauty blogs (helps promote clear skin) to fitness magazines (for an energy boost and weight loss)—and honestly, there’s a lot to decode. Instead of tossing you another exhaustive list, we’re breaking it down into our top four ACV benefits and why it’s such a great way to #hackyourhealth.


Wish you could enjoy a delicious carb-centric meal without the spike in blood sugar? It’s not just about what’s in our favorite foods, but what we enjoy them with. Drinking ACV as a pre-meal primer helps stabilize and limit the body’s glucose response to the meal that follows. That means enjoying the same meal with ACV reduces carb impact versus eating it without.


The acetic acid in ACV is what stabilizes blood sugar, which helps curb cravings and keep your appetite in check. Usually, when we consume carb-heavy meals, we start to crave more sugary snacks later that day. Regularly consuming vinegar before eating doesn’t just affect the next meal, but what you munch on later, too. Think of it as the perfect apéritif-alternative—sipping ACV doesn’t stimulate your appetite, but regulates it—so you can feel good about the meals you love most.


Apple cider vinegar can support weight loss by lowering blood sugar levels, balancing acidity in the body, and as mentioned above, curbing excess cravings. When paired with a balanced diet—one where you don’t run from foods you love, but simply make sure you’re getting plenty of nourishing ingredients along with them—and an active lifestyle, ACV creates the perfect setting to shed extra weight.


ACV makes POSCA a better-for-you beverage because vinegar promotes a healthy gut. The acetic acid in vinegar and fermented foods are known for busting bad bacteria and encouraging healthy “good” bacteria, leading to better digestion, less bloating, and less stressed stomachs after eating.

What makes POSCA different than other ACV drinks? There are other ACV-base beverages to choose from, but many of them are loaded with sugar or unnatural ingredients. We’ve refined our blend of herbs and botanicals to provide you with a stellar taste that doesn’t require added sugars or fake ingredients. This makes it easier to weave into your routine, and even drink after clinking your glasses around a table full of friends.

Carbs aren’t the enemy. Your favorite foods aren’t the enemy. Shop now and eat better with POSCA

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