Category Archives: Uncategorized

  1. Apples and apple cider vinegar on a wooden deck

    4 Things to Know About ACV and Your Health

    Wondering why we chose apple cider vinegar (ACV) as the main ingredient in POSCA? You’ll find articles on ACV and your health everywhere from beauty blogs (helps promote clear skin) to fitness magazines (for an energy boost and weight loss)—and honestly, there’s a lot to decode. Instead of tossing you another exhaustive list, we’re breaking…

  2. Image showing friends at a dinner table celebrating a toast and clinking glasses together.

    What is POSCA?

    By now, you’ve probably heard of, if not tried, taking apple cider vinegar (ACV) for overall wellness. In the last ten years, ACV has starred in countless health hacks from shots to supplements in favor of detoxifying the body and improving gut health. And yeah, it also has a reputation for its piercing, barely-palatable taste….